Visa to Vietnam

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Visa to Vietnam

No matter which way of access you choose, a Vietnamese entry visa is required for all foreigners, except for citizens of countries having bilateral agreements on visa exemption with Vietnam.

Types of visa to Vietnam

  • Diplomatic and official visa:
    No fees unless otherwise agreed upon between Vietnam and applicant’s country. On applying this visa, you must submit an official letter from the concerned agencies of local government, foreign embassies or consulates accredited to the country, international organizations, or other accredited organizations based in that country.
  • Business visa:
    On applying this visa, you should obtain an approval through your sponsor in Vietnam. It’s generally much easier to apply once in Vietnam. Multiple entry and stay of three-month or six-month is possible.
  • Tourist visa: (short staying time) It's what you need to enter Vietnam!
    Available one-month single-entry visa (maximum stay in Vietnam of one month). Tourist visa may be extended one time for 30 days after your arrival in Vietnam.
    If you plan to spend more than a month in Vietnam, or if you plan to exit Vietnam and re-enter from Cambodia, Laos or China, you will need a three-month multiple-entry visa with the approval from local agents.

How to apply visa to Vietnam

You can either apply yourself at Vietnamese embassies or consulates in your country or have a local travel agent (your sponsor) to do a part or full its procedure.

By yourself:

  • Required documentations:
    you have to submit: passport of six months’ validity, visa application forms, and probably some others required by Vietnamese embassy or consulates in your country. Visa forms are available by getting directly or by mail with a stamped, self-addressed envelope addressed to their Visa section. Request by email is perhaps acceptable (in some cases).
    See Visa application form and list of Vietnamese Embassies and Consulates abroad (also available Foreign Embassies and Consulates in Vietnam).
  • Time:
    processing tourist visa application typically takes four or five working days.
  • Cost:
    fees vary from embassy to embassy; about $50 in Bangkok and $85 in Washington, for example.

By local agent:

Provide two types of visa services: Visa Application letter and Full-packaged service (on-arrival visa). Please refer to the Detailed visa procedure and services for more information

Quang cao